I am particularly fond of Bradfield, perhaps even more so since I started going back… it’s returning to a community where you are welcomed as if you had never left.


Katie Green-Armytage met with Milly to discuss her time at Bradfield, her entrepreneurial journey with the high-end company ‘Clean Slate Catering’ and the close relationship she has re-established with the College since leaving.


Milly’s most recent trip to Bradfield was to complete what proved to be the extremely challenging 2023 Huxham 10 miler in wet conditions; ‘My aim was to keep going, it was pretty tough, but so worth it’. She showed real grit completing the course, and from there you can draw comparisons with the drive needed to run your own business. We have her husband Tom (F 91-96) to thank for encouraging her back he had remained an engaged Old Bradfieldian since leaving and Milly had not really considered returning, but now loves coming back and being involved.

Thankfully not all of Milly’s visits are so arduous she has returned on balmy summer days for the tours and afternoon tea of Bradfield Society reunions and attended pupil networking and panel events organised by Bradfield Horizons as a professional contributor. Delighted to share the story of ‘Clean Slate Catering’ to help inspire young entrepreneurial-minded Bradfieldians she left these events feeling additionally buoyed by the unexpected joy of listening and learning from her co-attendees.


Funnily I got more from the experiences than I gave, but I am hopeful that I have sowed a few seeds of inspiration and I look forward to meeting future generations of Bradfieldian entrepreneurs.

When Milly was at Bradfield the Careers department set up similar lectures and she remembers attending the talks that she thought were relevant. In hindsight however she wishes that she had gone to everything;


Seeing it from the perspective of running my own business, you can never know too much. Even if you only learn one thing, that could be valuable later.



Milly set up her company from her J House bedsit at Bradfield. Recognising that her parents were amazingly generous in paying for her education and prepared to cover the fundamentals, she knew that if she wanted more she would have to pay for it herself. This was great motivation and created a drive for her to be alert to  enterprising opportunities.

Identifying that most people would appreciate an extra pair of hands when entertaining to serve drinks and prepare canapés, she would encourage a few girls to join her, add a small margin onto the amount that she paid them, and through her enterprise she was gainfully employed during her school holidays and making a profit.

Her business went on the backburner through university and having secured a good degree Milly took up a role in Financial PR. Whilst working she attended evening courses, including an ‘Art as an Alternative Investment’ course. It soon transpired that one of her Private Equity clients had just acquired an art gallery in Belgravia and suggested that she go and work for him in this emergent field.

She worked in a small team and headed up the PR/Sales/ Events side of the business. Having started off using external caterers she quickly saw that she could improve upon the service provided and started to manage the events fully in-house. The experience showed Milly that she had what it took to run a professional events company and so when the gallery was sold, she used her small redundancy package to relaunch her catering company as ‘Clean Slate Catering’ in 2012.

Having succeeded in squeezing all major life events, getting married, having children, moving house a few times and starting a business, into the same period, things were ticking along and then, LOCKDOWN. Some were paralysed, but not Milly. With access to customers, suppliers and a supply chain, she knew what to do.


I had this real calling, I knew that I had to help, so I stayed up until it was done.

Within 48 hours of the lockdown being announced Milly had launched ‘The Rural Supply’ an e-commerce business selling fresh, high-quality produce to her local community. Seizing this opportunity was however 100% worth it; when handing out the boxes of produce to customers she was able to strike up conversations, meet new people and build new relationships;


I’m not someone to rest on my laurels. When something gets in my way, I push through it and find an alternative. Life is a journey; the key is learning to spot the opportunities.


Since Lockdown ‘Clean Slate Catering‘ has gone from strength to strength, and in addition to running events from private dining for 12 to corporate events for 500, she has also expanded into a ‘Clean Slate at home’ range where they will deliver all the food to a client’s door for dinner parties or special events such as hen parties or post-wedding brunches- which has proven very popular. Look-up Clean Slate Catering on the Bradfield Society Business Directory for more information.


It is fantastic to learn of Milly’s achievements in business, yet her success was not predicted from the outset. Diagnosed with severe dyslexia, her pre-prep Principal told her parents ‘Camilla is unlikely to get any A-levels, let alone university.’ Having been dismissed as an eight-year-old she setout to prove her wrong. After taking her GCSEs at a London day school she decided that she would like to try a boarding school in the hope that it would open new opportunities. Milly visited Bradfield, liked it and from there she did not look back.



Bradfield had created this incredible environment where I was doing well at school because I was happy it was my happiest two years in education.


Milly’s abiding memory of Bradfield was (at last) being in a supportive environment where she was valued as much for her contribution on the sports pitch, or any other co-curricular pursuit, as she was in the classroom. Yes, academics were in the mix, but they weren’t the be-all and end-all. Having said that, she was achieving in the classroom and had a particular passion for History of Art;


I found History of Art at Bradfield, being very visual, I could use that strength to my advantage.


History of Art is perfectly suited to visual learners like Milly and encompasses a wealth of skills from analysis to interpretation based upon an appreciation of context and perspective. Having found a subject that matched  her talents so closely, she managed to achieve top grades and accordingly secured a place on the competitive History of Art course at Edinburgh.

Would she have changed anything about her Bradfield experience? Milly chose to study the creative subjects that she loved but on reflection, she wishes that she had been pushed outside of her comfort zone, into continuing with Maths and Science. She was interested to learn about the Bradfield IB programme and would advocate following a broader curriculum for longer, especially pursuing Maths to a higher level. She also reflected that she wished the Maths that she learned was more practical, here again she was pleased to learn about the new Faulkner’s curriculum that encompasses ‘Maths in Action’ which provides a context to classroom Maths and sees this as a positive progression.

When I was at Bradfield it was not very well known and you were not sure that people would have heard of it, but now you mention Bradfield, and everyone has heard of it and wants to go.


If you are motivated by Milly’s story and would also be interested in becoming more involved with Bradfield either socially, or to help the next generation of Bradfieldians with career advice contact the Bradfield Society on bradfieldsociety@bradfieldcollege.org.uk or call 0118 964 4840 for more information.