In 2015 the College engaged with professional advisors upon the design and generation of a “Masterplan” for the ongoing development, improvement and rationalisation of the site over the next 25 years.

Our plan intends to anticipate how every strand of the educational process will continue to evolve and create a campus that provides the landscape for future generations of pupils to thrive…

In reality, this development process began back in 1856, with the building of Main Hall to replace the existing dining hall. As one walks around the campus, it is often a healthy (and humbling) experience to recognise that so much of what exists has been made possible by the commitment of so many people to Bradfield College over many decades. See Historic Campus Development Projects

Our ‘masterplan’ reflects the intent to anticipate the ways in which every strand of the educational process will continue to evolve over the coming years, thus creating a College site that provides the landscape within which future generations of pupils, staff, parents and visitors can thrive, flourish and be inspired to exceed their individual and collective potential. The plan contains interconnected projects that range from the small and mundane to the large and inspirational, encompassing all aspects of the College’s academic, co-curricular and pastoral provision. For more information visit Campus Development Framework.



The generosity of our donors – alumni, parents and friends of the College – has been displayed time and time again in enabling new facilities to emerge from the ground. We genuinely believe that the plans include projects that will inspire the continuation of that tradition of support and generosity, particularly in the spheres of the creation of exciting learning spaces, communal social facilities, sports pavilions and performing arts spaces. The St Andrew’s Project to create the St Andrew’s Study Centre is the latest project within the CDF framework to be completed.

The next project to form part of our Campus Development Framework is the Health and Wellbeing Centre and we are currently scoping the viability of this project.

If you are interested in learning more about this, or another project, please do reach out to our Philanthropy Lead, Kirsty Perkinson on or call 0118 964 4846



All the projects highlighted in red were supported by the Bradfield Foundation.

See details of these projects below:

St Andrew's Project (2024)

Project Aim

Creation of inspirational teaching and learning facility at the heart of the College Campus


£8 million


  • £3.75 million Bradfield Foundation
  • £4.25 million Bradfield College

Key Features

  • Multi-purpose space with individual study spaces, collaborative areas, a seminar room, presentation suite and refreshments area

Impact/ Benefit for the Pupils

  • Year-round study and learning space for all pupils, from Faulkner’s to Upper Sixth


Project Aim

Creation of ‘one of a kind’ space in which to improve your game of golf




  • £50k Legacy bequest from John Tyndall (H57-62)
  • £9k OBGS
  • £40k BCEL
  • £66k Bradfield College

Key Features

  • Trackman portable system
  • Purpose build building to house the Trackman set-up, with space set-aside for the purchase of further simulators after a future fund-raising phase

Impact/ Benefit for the Pupils

  • Year-round place to improve their game, formerly there was a seasonal dip November – May due to inclement weather.
  • Pupils have been using Trackman since it was acquired at the start of the project, in 2016 and this has seen them to winning ways.


Project Aim

Introduction of high performance surface courts to complement existing facilities as well as increase capacity to play tennis all year round




  • £30k raised by the Bradfield Foundation
  • £240k 10 year interest free loan from the LTA
  • £245k from BCEL

Key Features

  • 6 high performance clay courts, outdoor social area and car parking facilities
  • Opened by Gordon Reid MBE

Impact/ Benefit for the Pupils

  • Increased pupil interest in tennis and the ability to play all year round, the courts are always busy
  • The College has hosted the Tennis County Championships for 2 consecutive years as well as being the seat of the County boys and County girls teams.


Project Aim

Rejuvenation of a much loved College social space.




£250k raised by the Bradfield Foundation. Read the Major Pavilion reopened article.

Key Features

  • Creation of a light and spacious coffee shop and community space with an outstanding view across the pitches

Impact/ Benefit for the Pupils

  • Great place to catch up with friends during break times, enjoy post-match tea with your parents and come to on one of the many occasions that the pavilion is used as the venue for a college society event
  • Once you have reached the top of the school, the Junior Common Room have exclusive use of the pavilion in the evenings


Project Aim

Resurrection of Bradfield’s iconic Greek Theatre


£2.5 million


  • £1.2 million raised by the Bradfield Foundation

Key Features

  • Restoration of the existing stone seating
  • Construction of a new extended and adapted skene (theatre building)
  • New walk-way encircling the amphitheatre

Impact/ Benefit for the Pupils

  • During their time at Bradfield every pupil will perform in this unique and atmospheric venue, be that in a performing arts production, the house song competition at Goose weekend or as part of the Bradfield Festival
  • This space is also used for key events in the College calendar such as hand-shaking at the start of the academic year and Commemoration at the end


Project Aim

Creation of a beautiful and tranquil garden to complement the conversion of the Headmaster’s tennis court area into a garden and communal space in the heart of the college.


The project was funded by Viravudhi Vajrabhaya, known as Vudhi, (E 56-61), the first thai boy to attend Bradfield, on behalf of the Thai Community

Key Features

Impact/ Benefit for the Pupils

  • Place for calm, reflection and to enjoy the natural beauty of the setting


Project Aim

Creation of a state-of-the-art and environmentally friendly Science facility, for pupil as well as local community benefit


£5 million


  • £3 million raised by the Bradfield Foundation

Key Features

  • 10 laboratories and 3 classrooms, enabling the teaching of all the scientific subjects – Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Environmental Systems and Societies in a purpose-built block.
  • The Blackburn Science Centre provides a scientific hub within the local community,
    • We host 60 primary schools children in twice a term doing a science experiment in Bio, Chem or Phys for 40 mins, as well as hosting a Prep School Science Challenge once a year attended by 20-30 prep schools.
    • We also host 2 ‘Cafe Scientifique’ speaker nights a term, when external lecturers share their knowledge with local residents.
  • Opened by David Blackburn (D 45-50), the majority donor, after whom the centre was named.

Impact/ Benefit for the Pupils

  • Pupils are taught science in a fit environment; modern, light, well-equipped and Science has become an increasing popular choice, not least with the advent of the IB programme where pupils are required to study a science.
  • This increased popularity, as well as increasing pupils numbers overall, however meant that Science Centre opened in 2010 was no longer large enough and therefore..

More Recently

  • In the Summer of 2017, the Science Centre was re-configured and sixth-form friendly teaching spaces incorporated, so alongside the 9 large labs and 2 smaller labs, there are 3 classrooms with Harkness tables, a break-out room and a pupil/staff workroom.
  • This new format has transformed the way that science can be taught at Bradfield, better enabling interactive learning, collaboration and problem-solving.



3 important projects to enhance Bradfield’s sports offering


  • £95k raised by the Bradfield Foundation

Key Features

  • The advent of the 2nd AWP meant that all hockey matches could take place on astro turf
  • Clay Pigeon shooting became an additional sport offered by College
  • Cricket matches became increasingly professional with the provision of a better scoring box and an electronic score board

Impact/ Benefit for the Pupils

3 important projects enabling more people to participate, in a wider range of activities, to a better standard


Project Aim

Enhancement and expansion of the existing music facilities


£1.9 million


  • £145k raised by the Bradfield Foundation

Key Features

  • 6 new practise rooms and enlarged existing practice space
  • Recording Studio
  • Computer Room
  • 2 ensemble rooms
  • Opened by the distinguished conductor, Sir Roger Norrington

Impact/ Benefit for the Pupils

  • Awaiting information

More Recently

  • In Autumn 2018 an iMac suite enabling pupils to xyz has replaced/ been added


Project Aim

Creation of a first class tennis facility that enabled year-round training for College and Community use.


£1.3 million


  • £225k raised by the Bradfield Foundation
  • £240k LTA – interest free loan, payable over 10 years
  • £320k Sports England
  • £515k Bradfield College

Key Features

  • 3 indoor courts coated in a professional standard Plexipave surface
  • Opened by Tim Henman in 2000

Impact/ Benefit for the Pupils

awaiting information


Project Aim

Expansion of the existing 3 hole course into a 9 hole course designed by renowned golf course architect Donald Steel




£460k raised by the Bradfield Foundation

Key Features

Creation of a purpose built Golf course which remains one of the best School courses in the country, taking advantage of the natural beauty of the Pang Valley

Impact/ Benefit for the Pupils

Golf is the #th most popular sport in the College, with # pupils use the course on a weekly basis


Project Aim

Conversion of the existing building into a dedicated library


The major donor was Edward Garrett (F 63-68), after whom the library was named

Key Features

  • This library centralised all the resources from across the school, encouraging cross-disciplinary interaction with subjects and making things much easier to locate
  • Over 20 years since 1996 the collection has grown to approx. 29,000 books
  • With the rise of digital, approx. 1/3 of the library budget is now spent on online resources which can be accessed from anywhere on site and also from pupils’ houses and homes
  • A qualified librarian has meant that the collection has been well-managed and promoted, and a love of reading instilled in the pupils

Impact/ Benefit for the Pupils

  • With the advent of IB and the emphasis on independent and self-directed learning, the library has risen in importance and plays even more of a central role.
  • The Extended Essay and EPQ mean that the library is now a centre of research; the librarian teaches research skills to 6th form and the lower school
  • Classes across most disciplines use the library for coursework-based lessons and for research projects
  • The Library hosts an intellectual discussion group every week – the Diadati Society.


Project Aim

To build a first class multi-purpose sports facility for college and community use

Key Features

  • Double-size sports hall which can be set up to accommodate any of: 8 badminton courts, 2 volleyball courts, 2 basketball courts, 2 indoor football pitches, 1 indoor hockey pitch or 5 cricket nets
  • 6 lane 25m swimming pool
  • Dance Studio
  • Weights Room

Impact/ Benefit to the Pupils

  • Sports lessons – 19 different classes use the sports centre across 19 periods in any week
  • Co-Curricular Activities –  include Gymnastics, Basketball, Cricket, Spinning, Swimming, Strength & Conditioning, Table Tennis
  • Outside sporting activities the Sports Centre hosts events including Speaker Nights, Parents Evenings and is a back-up venue for Commemoration in event of poor weather

More Recently

  • In 2014, the Sports Centre was enhanced with the addition of the new gym, reception area and changing rooms, increasingly the popularity of the facility with both pupils and the local community.